January 30 2025
Install with winget
winget is now a supported way to install ChatGPT. This will be useful for ChatGPT Enterprise workspaces whose IT admins may prefer winget as a method of managing installation for their teams.
winget.exe install --id=9NT1R1C2HH7J --source=msstore --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements –silent
November 14 2024
Attach screenshots
Now you can instantly take a screenshot and insert it into your chat. The screenshot is taken using the Snipping Tool, so you can conveniently choose between screenshotting a window, the entire screen, or a custom region.
Fixes & improvements
Fixed a bug where the “Open in main window” button didn’t appear in empty Companion Windows.
Fixed an issue causing scrolling to get stuck for conversation views.
Redesigned the sidebar and added a floating sidebar mode.
Relocated where application user data is stored for some users. These users may have to log in again after updating.
November 7 2024
Take Photos
Now you can take a photo with your webcam and attach it directly to your conversation with ChatGPT.
Fixes & improvements
Added a setting to customize the shortcut to open the companion window.
Added a button in settings to check for updates.
Added support for adjusting text scaling. (Use Ctrl + or Ctrl -.)
October 30 2024
Advanced voice mode
Chat with your computer and get hands-free advice and answers while you work. Advanced Voice Mode offers more natural, real-time conversations, allows you to interrupt anytime, and senses and responds to your emotions.
Search chat history
Now you can search through your history to quickly bring up chat to reference, or pick up a chat where you left off. Use Control+K to pull up search instantly.
Early version for Plus, Teams, Enterprise, and EDU (October 17 2024)
Today, ChatGPT Plus, Enterprise, Team, and Edu users can start testing an early version of the Windows app. Access for free users, along with many additional features, is coming soon.
Companion Window
Get faster access to ChatGPT on your PC with the Alt + Space shortcut.