Users on ChatGPT have the ability to search through your chat history quickly and efficiently. This feature is designed to help you find past conversations with ease, whether you're referencing specific details or picking up a conversation where you left off.
How to Search Past Conversations
On Web
To start searching your chat history:
Log in to ChatGPT on your web browser.
Locate the Search magnifying glass in the left sidebar. You can also use `ctrl+k` on PC or `cmd+k` on Mac.
Type in keywords or phrases that you remember from the conversation you want to find.
ChatGPT will search through all your past conversations based on keywords in the conversation title and content. For now, exact matches are supported, so it's best to be specific with keywords. Please note that canvas contents cannot be searched.
View the search results, which will show a list of conversations that match your search terms. Click on any result to open that conversation and read or continue where you left off.
On Mobile
To start searching your chat history:
Log in to ChatGPT on your iOS or Android app.
Locate the Search bar in the left sidebar.
Type in keywords or phrases that you remember from the conversation you want to find.
ChatGPT will search through all your past conversations based on keywords in the conversation title and content. For now, exact matches are supported, so it's best to be specific with keywords. Please note that canvas contents cannot be searched.
View the search results, which will show a list of conversations that match your search terms. Click on any result to open that conversation and read or continue where you left off.
Key Points
Instant access: Your conversations become searchable shortly after they happen, allowing you to find them within a few minutes of the conversation.
Broad search capability: This makes it easy to reference any ChatGPT conversations you've had.
Effortless retrieval: This feature was built with convenience in mind, so you can quickly find what you're looking for.
Archived conversations: Archived conversations are still searchable and will appear in search results, even though they won’t be visible in the sidebar. You can also access these archived conversations through the Settings menu, where they’re organized separately.
Privacy in search: If you delete a conversation, it will also be removed from the search index, ensuring that deleted conversations aren’t retrievable.
We aim to improve your experience by giving you control over your chat history in ChatGPT. Whether you're referencing an old idea or keeping track of your past interactions, searching your chat history has never been easier.