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Building and publishing a GPT
Building and publishing a GPT

Information on how to build and publish GPTs in the store

Updated over 10 months ago

Publish GPT to GPT Store

Any ChatGPT Plus subscriber can create a GPT and share it with others. In order to publish it to the Store, you must first verify your Builder Profile. Your Builder Profile can be accessed from your profile settings or via the “Update” panel when editing a GPT. You can verify your Builder Profile with either your name or a website domain. After you’ve verified, you’ll be able to publish your GPT for “Everyone”. Note that GPT’s with “Anyone with a link” selected will not be shown in the store.

Get your GPT featured

You can read more about how OpenAI selects GPTs to be featured here.

Verify your website domain

At this time, verification is one-to-one between your Builder Profile and the GPTs you create (meaning you can only have a single website domain attached to all your GPTs).

Step 1: select the tooltip to edit your GPT builder profile.

Step 2: click the toggle under “Select a domain”

Step 3: enter the domain you’d like to associate with your Builder Profile. At this time, you can only have one verified domain for all GPTs you create.

Step 4: copy the provided TXT record in your DNS provider or website hosting service settings.

Social profile verification

Builders can now link their social profiles using Twitter, GitHub, and LinkedIn in addition to a website domain. Please note for LinkedIn, it's only possible to link to a personal page (company page links are not supported at this time).

Get user feedback from your GPT

By selecting “Receive feedback emails” in your Builder profile, you can let users reach out to the email associated with your ChatGPT account. The option to email you will be visible to users from the dropdown menu of your GPT.

Change your feedback email

Not at this time.

Monetize your GPT

We’ve partnered with a small group of builders to test usage-based GPT earnings. Our goal is to create a vibrant ecosystem where builders are rewarded for their creativity and impact and we look forward to collaborating with builders on the best approach to get there (more info).

How does “trending” work?

We actively review engagement with GPTs and surface trending GPTs for different categories.

How long does it take for a GPT to appear after publishing?

Every GPT that gets published to the store undergoes review. If you select the visibility as “Anyone with a link”, it should be accessible immediately.

Delisting a GPT

Yes, you can change the sharing settings for your GPT at any time.


Yes, published GPTs will be available to all Plus users. Free users will be able to see your GPT, but will not be able to start conversations with it.


Currently, conversation totals are displayed on the My GPTs page.

Can I migrate plugin usage to my GPT?

No, but you can migrate your plugin to a GPT with a custom action.

What policies or terms of use do I have to be mindful of?

Please review our usage policies and GPT brand guidelines to ensure your GPT is compliant.

Appealing a reported GPT

OpenAI reviews the GPT and will follow up with the builder if any remediation steps are required.

GPTs that emulate a person or public figure

We have some restrictions for these use cases. Please review our usage policies for more guidance.

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