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Phone only signups for the US and India (beta)
Phone only signups for the US and India (beta)
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This is not yet available in the US but is coming soon. It is mostly rolled out to new users in India, with the rollout still ongoing. No other regions are planned.

⚠️ Important: To reset your password with a phone only account requires you use a device that you have already used at least once before to login to your ChatGPT account.

General questions

Will users that have SSO/SCIM be able to create users in their Team/Ent/Edu workspaces without an email?

No. To upgrade to Plus/Pro/Teams, a user will still be required to verify an email.

Is password reset available via SMS if you initially signed up with a phone number?

Yes, password reset would occur via SMS for phone-based signups.

Can a phone-based signup enable MFA?

Not directly at first. However, after linking their email, users can enable MFA.

What account merging is possible for a phone signup linking an email, or switching to a social login without creating a new account?

Once a phone-based user links an email, they can switch to Google, Apple, or Microsoft login under the same account.

If I have a phone only account, how do I link an email to it?

To link an email to your phone only account you will need to first upgrade to any paid plan (i.e. Plus/Pro)

Resource: Phone number reuse example scenarios

Scenario 1

I signed up for OpenAI using only my phone number and then deleted that account. Can I ever use the same phone number to sign up again?

No. Once a phone number has been used for an OpenAI account—even if that account is later deleted—the phone number is blocked from creating any new OpenAI accounts.

Scenario 2

I’ve created 3 accounts (each with phone verification for the first API key at If I try to create a fourth account with that same phone number, what will happen?

You will be blocked from creating a fourth account using that number. Once a phone number has been used for phone verification (even across multiple accounts), it can’t be used to create another new account.

Scenario 3

I have 2 OpenAI accounts, each with different emails, and neither has ever completed phone verification (no API keys created). Can I sign up for a third account using only my phone number?

Yes, because your phone number has not yet been used for phone verification. You can still use it to create a third account.

Scenario 4

I used phone verification for 2 accounts. Then I deleted 1 of them. Can I now create a brand-new OpenAI account using the same phone number?

No. Deleting the old account does not free up the phone number. If it’s ever been used for verification, it is still considered ineligible for new signups.

Scenario 5

I have 3 OpenAI accounts, but only 1 of them actually used phone verification (the other 2 are ChatGPT-only). Can I create a fourth account using that same phone number?

No. Even if you only used phone verification once, the phone number is locked from creating any additional accounts in the future.

Scenario 6

I already have 4 OpenAI accounts (3 from the older days when phone verification was required at signup, plus 1 ChatGPT-only). Can I create a new account with the same phone number?

No. Because your phone number has already been associated with multiple accounts (including phone-verified ones), it’s no longer eligible to be used for creating another account.

Scenario 7

I believe I’ve only made 2 accounts with my phone number, but the system says “Too many signups with this number.” Could someone else have used my number?

Unfortunately, yes. Recycled or reused phone numbers can lead to this error. Currently, there is no workaround. You would need to contact support or wait until a future system update (targeted for 2025) that may address this issue.

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