Only an admin or owner of a workspace can add and remove members to your enterprise’s workspace. Only an owner can add, remove, or change an admin or owner.
In order to add/change a role of a member, here are the steps one can take:
1. Press on the name of your workspace in the lower left corner (underneath your chat history), where a pop-up menu should appear.
2. Press the “Workspace settings” tab, then click on the "Members" tab.
3. You’ll be redirected to a “Members” space, where, depending on your "Admin" or "Owner" role, you can view the Name, Email, and Role (Admin, Owner, or Member). This is where you can “Invite member”.
When inviting a member, you can either:
Import from CSV, with the format:
email, role
Enter Emails of members you'd like to add as members
4. If you are an owner, to switch another user between the Member, Admin, and Owner roles, click on the user’s current role under the “Role” column, and toggle here.
5. If you want to remove a member from a workspace, press the three dots on the end, and “Remove member"