How do I update my email address?
We do not support updating the email address associated with your ChatGPT/OpenAI account.
If you'd like to use the same API Platform organization associated with your old email, you can create a new account with the email address you'd like to use, and then you can add that new email address through the Members page of your old org.
⚠️ We cannot transfer over your ChatGPT history or workspaces to a new account.
What if my account has an active ChatGPT Plus subscription?
If you cannot login to a ChatGPT/OpenAI account with an active Plus subscription associated with an email address you can no longer access (i.e. an old work/school email) then the only next steps available include:
Cancel the Plus subscription for the ChatGPT account whose email address you can not access.
Sign up for a new ChatGPT account with the email address you do have access to.
For help canceling a Plus subscription see How do I cancel my ChatGPT Plus subscription?