11 articles
What types of research, academic or otherwise, does OpenAI have a preference for?
Will OpenAI claim copyright over what outputs I generate with the API?
Why did OpenAI choose to release an API instead of open-sourcing the models?
How your data is used to improve model performanceLearn more about how OpenAI uses content from our services to improve and train our models.
What are OpenAI's policies regarding sharing and publication of generated content?
What specifically will OpenAI do about misuse of the API, given what you’ve previously said about GPT-2?
OpenAI API - Supported Countries and TerritoriesList of countries we support.
How can I add my API client to the Community Libraries page?Criteria and steps to ensure your library is ready to be added to our Community Libraries page
C2PA in DALL·E 3C2PA standard, OpenAI's implementation, and C2PA metadata
EU Digital Services Act (DSA)This article sets out helpful information on our compliance with the DSA.
Researcher Access Program FAQAnswers to the most common questions related to OpenAI's Researcher Access Program